The UF0 Conspiracy
It was just 100 years ago that people believed we would never fly in machines, go faster then 35 miles per hour or land anyone on the Moon. Those ideas went against the science of the day and seemed foolish at the time. The Skeptics are still with us and they balk at the idea that UFOs are intelligently controlled vehicles flown by Aliens. Despite the fact that thousands of trained observers like Police Officers, Pilots and Astronauts have seen things they cannot explain and believe to be Alien Spacecraft, there seems to be just no room in science for Aliens that are visiting the Earth.
The most comprehensive documentary on UFOs ever produced! Reveals how we should view the growing evidence of UFO sightings, face-to-face encounters, and alleged abductions!
* UFO sightings by Christopher Columbus and Alexander the Great
* Military pilot's encounter with UFOs
* Kenneth Arnold's historic sighting of UFOs over the Cascade mountains
* Recently released FBI documents on UFOs
* Evidence that UFOs exist as seen in film footage taken by American Astronauts
* Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan tell of their UFO sightings
* The truth about Project Blue Book...and much more