
Now Playing: Bill's Rant
Topic: Try Common Sense
Some days I feel like a joke without a punch line. Today is one of those days. But I keep on chuggin' ahead at half speed like a car with a flat. I really like the Rocky movies and they inspire me. I could stay up all night feeling sorry for myself, and I might just do that tonight. Why? Well, that's personal.
I'll just say I get tired of being treated like an old guy who needs a babysitter or gets ignored altogether. Is it too much to ask for a kind word now and then... a bit of praise from people you care about? So I guess I am a contender. Maybe so, but this Old Guy can punch.
There are tons of people out there who are so called Paranormal Experts. They give lectures at a few colleges, but most speak at UFO conferences where they pat each other on the back, then go online and write garbage about the rest of us. See my website.
One was put away in a mental institution for trying to murder local officials who disagreed with him. He was nominated as Ufologist of the Year by a major UFO Organization (take a guess which one). Another was the so called Pentagon Whistleblower who, it turns out, never worked there according to a newspaper expose.
How many of these people spoke before hundreds of US Air Force Academy Cadets in the 1990s about the US Government cover-up? That was an experience! Yet, they all enjoyed my multimedia presentation, as did many of their instructors.
I got 245,000 visits on my IMDb page so far this month as a writer, director, narrator and producer. Taylor Swift, Bradley Cooper, Madonna and Beyonce together didn't get that many. Over 10 million visits in two years. 8 million so far this year. Use this link and see for yourselves.
3 new books this year (True Crime, History and my own life story) and lots of articles, most of the articles free on my website. TV Scripts, a Play, a Blog, a Podcast, and so many awards I can't find them all to list on my website. Don't get me wrong, no one owes me anything. I don't want a "Thank you for your service" as a Marine. Just a little human compassion and the occasional compliment.
And, yea, I still have all my mental faculties. No sign of dementia, forgetfulness or Senior Moments. If you have an older friend or family member: Treat them with respect. No special treatment, just sincerity. Give them an honest compliment once in a while. I'm only 63 and 60 is the new 40.
****Above all, make them feel like they mean something in your life.
OK, no more Jerry McGuire style ranting for a while. How are all you folks doing?
Doctor Know Bill
at 11:46 PM EST