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All of Bill's books, eBooks, audiobooks and videos are available here.
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![]() Reuters and AP added the Kissena Park UFO Landing Case to their news feeds even before the Press Conference thanks to a press release written by Bill Knell and distributed by Mike Luckman. Bill was interviewed on camera during the press event at Kissena Park and later at home by many members of the Local and National News Media. International News Crews from Nippon TV (Japan), the BBC (UK), the West German News Service and RTE News (Ireland) all interviewed Holland most visited Kissena Park. The press frenzy went on for weeks. Things quieted down for a while, then Mass Media and public interest in the NYC landing case again peaked after Tass News in Soviet Russia reported a similar UFO incident at a park located in Vohronez, Russia.
![]() Some weeks prior to the incident, strange lights had been reported over the city's skies. On September 27th 1989, kids playing football at at one of the city's parks heard a whistling sound and saw a pinkish glow in the sky. Once the UFO landed, it changed to deep red. Out of the flat disc-shaped craft, a number of tall (approximately 3 meters high) humanoid beings (with small three -eyed heads that appeared as extension to the torso with no visible neck) and a robot emerged. According to the witnesses, the humanoids and robot strolled around the area of the landing while the robot gathered organic samples from the ground. As panic spread the aliens disappeared and reappeared five minutes with one of the aliens this time equipped with a tube-like pistol. Making their way towards their craft, a 16-year-old boy decided to be brave and blocked their way. The aliens were able to make the kid disappear by pointing the gun at it. Witnesses then fled the area and run for their lives. The aliens entered their spacecraft and shot to the skies. As the last trace of the pink glow faded, the boy reappeared, visibly shaken with no recollection of what had happened. Local policeman Sergei A. Matveyev reassured journalist that it was not a hallucination. Lieutenant Matveyev admitted to not seeing the aliens but saw the UFO flying at low altitude, silent and at great speed. Genrikh M. Silanov, head of the Voronezh Geophysical Laboratory, asked the children that witnessed the incident to draw what they had seen and drawings were similar. The incident could not be disputed as it took place in broad daylight in one of the major city parks and was witnessed by a few dozens of civilians. The stories reported were also backed-up by scientific data demonstrating an increase in radiation levels (high concentrations of isotope caesium-133) in the UFO landing area immediately after the incident. Some sceptics claimed that the details of the incident were very similar to alien encounters were covered in an american out of print magazine at the time. However,it is highly improbable that the children and other witnesses had access to this magazine. Variations of the incident exist as a consequence of media coverage or efforts to debunk the whole thing. However the core elements of the story (UFO landed, aliens were witnessed and had interaction with humans) cannot be denied due the number of witnesses and correlating reports. ![]() It is not all that unusual to have UFOs visit large cities as in the case of the 1942 Battle Of Los Angeles which remains unexplained to this day. There are simularities between the 1942 object and one tracked by US Navy jets in 2004.
At just ten years of age Bill was invited for a short guest segment on the WMCA Good Guys show after one of their producers saw an article he sent to Pennysaver. Bill was publishing a monthly UFO report in his neighborhood which included sightings and stories from pilots and first responders. Although Pennysaver is mostly ads, in those days they threw in a few articles of local interest to keep from being labeled a "throw away" sheet. They published Bill's report as an article. They had no idea that it was written by a ten year old because it was typed. Pennysaver sent Bill a check for $15.
Known as a concise Researcher and Investigator of UFOs and other paranormal phenomena, Bill Knell became a very popular Radio and Television Guest Expert on these topics having been heard on hundreds of radio shows in the USA and throughout the world. His guest spot on Coast To Coast AM was one of the most listened to and highly rated interviews in the history of the show.
Bill became a regular guest on many popular radio broadcasts including The Bob Grant and Jay Diamond Shows on WABC Talkradio in NYC, the Mike McConnel Show on WLW in Cincinnati, the Mancow morning show in Chicago and the Mike Murphy Show on KCMO Talk Radio in Kansas City, Missouri. Many of the top-rated Radio Shows and Hosts in the USA and elsewhere have invited Bill for Guest Spots, then asked him back time and again. Most of these were In-Studio as Bill traveled throughout the USA and Canada presenting his seminars.
The Ballard Funeral Home in Roswell had a contract to provide ambulance and mortuary services for Roswell Army Air Field. Glenn Dennis, a young Mortician who worked for the Ballard Funeral Home received several phone calls from the Mortuary Officer at the air field prior to learning about the recovery of the wreckage. Glenn was asked about the availability of small hermetically sealed caskets and for his recommendations on the preservation of bodies that had been exposed to the elements for several days.
Glenn Dennis visited the Base Hospital that evening. He was threatened and forcibly escorted from the building. This behavior arroused Glenn's curiosity and he arranged to meet Adeline Fantan (or possibly Miriam Bush), a nurse from the Base Hospital, at a coffee house. The nurse had been in attendance during autopsies performed on "... several small non-human bodies ...". Glenn Dennis kept drawings of aliens that the nurse had sketched on a napkin during their meeting. That meeting was to be their last. The nurse was abruptly transferred to England within the next few days.
![]() The controversy regarding the actual identity of the mystery nurse boils on. Eileen Fanton and Miriam Bush are the two best candidates. However, a very controversial book published in 2008 really stirred things up. If you want to delve deeper into this matter, and read the book in PDF form for free, please visit here.
![]() Articles by and about Bill's research and cases have been featured in Fate, Omni, The New Yorker and thousands of newspapers, magazines and periodicals worldwide. Why? Because unlike some other Ufologists who pass along disinformation, then threaten or spread lies about those who do not, Bill shares real facts about real cases and exposes government cover ups.
Bill has managed to remain objective as opposed to being a True Believer or complete Skeptic regarding the controversial topics that interest him. As a Christian and a Graduate of Liberty University, he approaches these topics from a uniquely Christian standpoint that does not interdict his ability to be objective. He learned the importance of Objectivity in research from people like John Keel who wrote about Fortean Topics (unexplained mysteries) and authored The Mothman Prophecies. Bill had the opportunity to meet and converse with this legendary journalist and author several times over the years when the two spoke or met at various conferences. ![]() Bill is a Native New Yorker born in Queens, NYC. He spent his childhood living in East Meadow (on Long Island) which was just a half hour ride from NYC. He first became interested in the UFO topic in the 1960s after reading a book by Frank Edwards titled Flying Saucers Serious Business . Edwards was a credible print and Broadcast journalist who believed that UFOs were intelligently controlled vehicles from another world. Frank decided to apply the same rules to UFO cases that he would to any other news story. He wanted to be sure these stories really involved "high strangeness" and could not be easily made up or explained. ![]() Frank chose cases that mostly involved members of the military and other trained observers as an extra precaution. He was not about to put his reputation on the line for stories that could turn out t be little more than sci-fi fairy tales. Frank Edwards was a respected reporter and radio host with impeccable credentials. He replaced Edward R. Murrow on the Mutual Radio Network's national broadcasts. Frank had many influencial fans and friends including President Harry S. Truman. His investigation into UFO sightings and encounters left Frank stunned and resulted in the writing and publication of Flying Saucers Serious Business. Bill's interest in the UFO phenomenon peaked after reading Edwards' book. It didn't take long for him to realize that Long Island and the New York Metro Area was a hot bed of UFO activity. It seemed as though someone always had their own UFO sighting or encounter story to tell whenever the subject came up. One in five people Bill talked to about UFOs had experienced a sighting of encounter somewhere in the New York Metro area. What really impressed Bill was that many of the UFO Witnesses were first responders who tended to be out and about more than most people. They were used to seeing aircraft and natural weather phenomena. When something odd appeared, they knew the difference. Others were pilots that saw things while in flight they had not seen before. ![]() Bill often heard stories about UFO sightings from pilots who were friends of his dad. They lived in the area, came over for barbecues and some had served with him in the Army Air Force during WWII. These were all credible witnesses who seemed dumbfounded by unknown objects they encountered or sighted in the sky. East Meadow had its own history of bizarre, unexplained events. One occured while Bill was living there.
East Meadow is an unincorporated village that's part of the Town of Hempstead in Nassau County on Long Island. A huge new community pool opened in 1965 just a few blocks from Bill's house. It was for Town residents, but one of the many visitors to the new pool that summer was, well, a non-resident. Just after the pool opened a classic, disc-shaped UFO hovered over it in broad daylight. ![]() Afterward, there was a change in the water color. Thousands saw it, but the FBI issued a statement that it was actually an experimental vehicle of some sort that had accidently been directed to the wrong place. Most people accepted that story rather than considering the fact that this suburban Long Island town might have been visited by a vehicle of extra-terrestrials origin. The pool was closed for several days after the UFO incident for "cleaning". A retired Nassau County Official named Inspector Larson came out to one of Bill's Library Seminars in nearby Uniondale during the 1990s. He had been a supervisor at the Town of Hempstead Department of Public Safety. Bill's parents knew the Inspector from various community events and fundraisers for the Volunteer Fire Department. He was in charge of Security for Town facilities, events, village fairs, area carnivals and auto races. Inspector Larson verified the incident explaining that he and others were tasked with keeping people off the pool property while it was 'cleaned' and treated by workers in protective clothing. Read more about this incident in our Articles area. Even before the pool was built the property it was located on was known as a place where weird things happened. Such was the case of the Noon Inn. Bill's life has never been exactly normal. In his words, "Odd opportunities kept confronting me. I tended to embrace them for the sake of the learning experiences involved. I never smoked, used drugs or drank alcoholic beverages. I guess you could say these opportunities were my addiction, but in a good way."
After Bill's family moved to Florida around 1970, a constant flow of UFO Sightings were reported to him by those who heard about Bill because of the unexpected Mass Media coverage of the UFO Club he established as a student at Boca Ciega High School in Gulfport. Many students and some teachers reported seeing UFOs in the area near the school. On one occasion a disc-shaped object landed on the sports field of an elementary school late one afternoon. The school was located less than a mile from Bill's high school. An area of affected grass appeared after that and several kids that were hanging out at the school when the incident occurred had a few hours of missing time.
During the 1971-72 school year Bill was a sophomore (10th grade) at Boca Ciega High School in Gulfport. He took Mass Media as an elective and really enjoyed the class. Bill was supposed to join an after school club and give a verbal presentation on his experience at the end of the semester. Unable to find one that was a good fit for him, Bill started his own
![]() A UFO Club was the natural choice for Bill, so he created one. The club met after school and included a lending library of books about UFOs and the unexplained that Bill provided from his personal library. He had many. Bill was also supposed to make a short film by the end of the semester. Not wanting to be repetitive, he chose a different topic for that project. "One of my guilty pleasures was watching professional wrestling. I watched it occasionally in New York, but I really embraced the craziness in Florida. Each week I watched a TV show that featured NWA (National Wrestling Alliances; later merged into the WWE) Wrestlers and matches in Florida. We lived in St Pete and the show was filmed in nearby Tampa. Needless to say, there were many colorful characters like Gorgeous George Jr, Dusty Rhodes, Mr Clean, Paul Jones, Buddy Colt and the Great Malennko. I was fortunate to meet these guys at Malenko's Gym where I worked out."
![]() Bill decided to go to Tampa during the filming of the weekly TV show and, with the permission and help of host Gordon Solie and Great Malenko, make a 16mm film (with sound) about Pro Wrestling in Florida. The film starred some of the top NWA Wrestlers and Bill commented, "The guys tnat I knew from the gym really hammed it up for me." He also joined a Pro Wrestling program for teens interested in getting involved in the sport. Although he had no plans to become one, Bill wanted to get in shape and, later, write about the experience. Mrs Wiesemann, Bill's Mass Media teacher, was impressed by both projects. She particularly liked the UFO Club because it encouraged reading, discussion and involvement by anyone interested in the topic. Students came and discussed the subject, shared any sightings they had and were able to borrow books. Mrs Micheal, the school Librarian, heard about the club and stopped by to take a look. She was impressed by the number of participants and a presentation on the topic by Bill. She told her husband about it. He hosted a popular, early morning live TV show which aired just before The Today Show on the local NBC affiliate station. The next day George Micheal invited Bill for a guest spot on his popular early morning TV Show. Bill's guest spot went over big and he was invited back. The attendence of the UFO Club ballooned. It was moved from the Mass Media classroom to tne Lunch Room. During the first meeting of the next school year the new school Principle stopped by and shared his own UFO sighting which occurred while he was in the U.S. Armed Forces. As a result of his appearances on the George Mitchell Show, Bill was invited for guest spots on morning radio shows and local TV news programs. Bill also received invitations to speak at local Rotary and other clubs. The St Pete Library asked Bill to come and give a presentation about UFOs. It was standing room only and that presentation generated an article in the St Pete Times. From that point on Bill began accepting invitations to speak as time allowed. ![]() Bill Knell shares details of UFO cases, incidents and sightings by such people as Walter Cronkite, Richard Nixon, Jackie Gleason, and JFK in his articles and videos. During a lunch with Walter Cronkite to discuss Bill's involvement with a CBS News Special Report on UFOs, the veteran newsman told Bill that he witnessed a UFO appear and shoot a blue beam at a missile during a missle test in the 1950's. The military claimed it was a test to see how the media would react to a UFO event, but Cronkite and other reporters there didn't buy their explanation. Over the years Dr Michael Wolf shared information with Bill that was previously unknown to the public. A friend of Bill, Dr Wolf was a former U.S. Government Scientiist and Insider with amazing stories like this one: At the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port, MA, JFK and guests witnessed a disc-shaped craft around 60 ft.-in-diameter hovering several hundred feet from their boat. Dr Wolf and his wife were there when this happened.
![]() Howard Hughes was a billionaire, pilot, filmmaker, recluse and eccentric. He also had some involvement with UFOs. Hughes was taken to a military base in 1947 and shown crashed UFO materials. It was the "damnedest stuff I've ever seen," he reportedly commented. The government wanted Hughes to find out what it was made of. Uncle Sam used Hughes and his vast resources for other secret missions including the recovery of a sunken Soviet Sub. Jackie Gleason (1916-1987), famed actor, producer, writer, musical arranger and comedian, was a huge UFO buff who named his upstate NY mansion "The Mothership" and built a smaller one in Florida.
![]() After hearing Bill's guest spot on a talk radio station in Miami, Gleason called the radio station and arranged to meet him at a Fort Lauderdale hotel in the closed area of a bar and restaurant during the mid-1980s to discuss UFOs. Gleason shared details of his viewing of a "spacecraft" and alien bodies arranged for him by his good friend, President Richard Nixon. Nixon may have known more about UFOs and their occupants than other presidents and had his own rumored connection to them. Contrary to second hand stories which named Homestead AFB as the location of Geason's extraordinary experience, the viewing took place in a large hangar at MacDill AFB in Tampa. It was there that Jackie said he was shown a broken disc, parts of which were still hovering. Gleason also said that he saw alien bodies, "in a good state of preservation," that resembled what UFO witnesses often describe as small, grey creatures with slight bodies and large eyes.
![]() Not everyone was as fortunate as Jackie Gleason when it came to viewing the U.S. Government's biggest secret. Barry Goldwater, Senator and former Presidential Candidate, asked his good friend General Curtis "bombs away" LeMay to allow him into a special area at Wright Patterson AFB in Ohio where LeMay was the Base Commander. Goldwater heard that the area he wanted to visit was where crashed or captured UFOs were kept. LeMay turned him down flat and warned Goldwater never to ask again. Goldwater describes the incident in his own words.
Bill can be contacted on FACEBOOK. If you are interested in Christian resources, articles and topics, stop by Bill's Christian Resources website You Can Trust God.