Colman Stephen von Keviczky, Hungarian military research scientist, lecturer. Registered professional engineer, New York. Recipient Pope Paul Memorial medal United Nations, 1963, Commander cross European Confederation of Ancient Combattants, 1986, Memorial cross 1st class, World Federation of Hungarian Veterans, 1987, Arpad award National Academy of Sciences in Exile, 1980. Background Keviczky, Colman Stephen von was born on August 21, 1909 in Ruttka, Hungary. Came to the United States, 1952. Education Master in Military Science and Engineering, Royal Hungarian Military Academy, 1932; postgraduate, Staff College, 1938. Career Founder, director, Intergalactic Spacecrafy Research and Analytic Network, Jackson Heights, New York, 1966; researcher, Intercontinental U.F.O. Galactic Spacecraft Research and Analytic Network, Jackson Heights, New York, since 1966. Achievements Colman Stephen von Keviczky has been listed as a notable Military research scientist, lecturer by Marquis Who's Who. Membership Colonel Hungarian Armed Forces, 1927-1945. Member American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Hermann Oberth Rocket Society (board directors). Connections Son of Kalman and Caroline (Musza) vonK. Married Eva Yon Takach, September, 1938 (deceased 1958). 1 child, Attila; married Yolanda Mackay, June 23, 1960. father: Kalman Keviczky mother: Caroline (Musza) Keviczky spouse: Eva Yon Takach spouse: Yolanda Mackay child: Attila Keviczky
Colman Vonkeviczky Sounds Call For Security Against Space War Ever since June 30th, 1965, UN Secretary-General U Thant has been in possession of a grave warning concerning the potential threat posed by the phenomena of Unidentified Flying Objects. "Powers of a superhuman civilization," the warning reads, "living on celestial bodies, are conducting organized reconnaissance operations on and around our planet. At present time, the analyzed behavior of the alien space vehicles seems to be neutral, but their unknown assignment and task warns humanity and world outer space exploration teams to look to their security; and take immediate precautionary measures before launching any long lasting scientific study of the phenomena. The UFO problem hangs more dangerously above the great powers of the world than even the spectre of a third world war." This dire warning was issued by Colman VonKeviczky, Director of the Intercontinental UFO Research and Analytic Network. It clearly sounded a call for the United Nations to look to its defenses against an invasion from outer space, or else suffer the consequences of a failure to heed such a warning. Since that date, June 30, 1965, the United Nations has done very little to brace itself for a conflict between any civilizations except those which exist right here on earth. However, it has taken certain preliminary steps, such as the establishment of U.N. committees to deal with representatives of space civilizations from beyond our solar system, should they appear. In addition, several important laws have been adopted by the 62 United Nations members, all of whom signed the treaty governing the peaceful uses of outer space. However, only a small portion of the warning issued by Colman VonKeviczky has been heeded. In his message, VonKeviczky pointed out that outer space civilizations, while making exploratory flights around the world, were preparing for a possible landing here. Therefore, he urged Thant to take immediate steps to organize a committee to supervise a global UFO analysis and surveillance through a United Nations network. Thant was presented with photographs, and an analysis of various UFO sightings around the world. Just who is Colman VonKeviczky? And what is the Intercontinental UFO Research and Analytic Network (ICUFON)? Who is this man who is traveling around the world, warning of an impending Earth-Space war? Colman VonKeviczky, M.M.S.E., Master of Military Science and Engineering, is a Hungarian-born American citizen who graduated from the Royal Hungarian Maria Ludovica Military University in Budapest in 1932. Later, he was commissioned a major on the Royal Hungarian General Staff, and chief of the Military Audio-Visual Education Department (which he organized). After 1946, he served with the U.S. Third Army and U.S. Constabulary Headquarters in Germany. During 1947-48,, he organized the first sound film expedition around the world, a project known as "Nations for Nations," as a step toward closer political, racial and religious ties in the world community. In 1951, VonKeviczky came to the United States and opened a motion picture and photographic enterprise which he operated for many years. He was also editorpublisher of the Hungarian Wold Illustrated monthly newspaper, and later joined the United Nations Secretariat's Office of Public Information, Photo and Exhibit Department. He left the United Nations Secretariat in 1965, and for more than 15 years he has been a leader and observer in the field of international UFO research. His position with the UN was reportedly terminated because of his activity in the field of ufology, (although the UN denies this.) VonKeviczky's skill as a military scientist is recognized world-wide, and on the basis of his strategic and tactical study of UFO operations, 24 nations signed the 1967 Mainz Resolution 'which was presented at a convention in Mainz, West Germany. The resolution declared: "UFOs are identified as alien space vehicles, originating from powers on celestial bodies." The Mainz paper incorporated many of the proposals VonKeviczky had included in his first draft memorandum, submitted to Secretary General U Thant, which provided a basis for steps toward an international space treaty. The memorandum's principal points stressed that scientific exploration of outer space must involve the security of extraterrestrial beings as well as the nations of Earth, and no warlike missions would be undertaken against people in outer space. Also, peaceful extraterrestrial beings and spaceships, and their properties within our ionospherical Region, would be under the permanent protection and jurisdiction of the UN General Assembly. In case of a landing by such visitors, obviously the protection and jurisdiction would belong to the government on whose territory the landing took place, subject to provisions of the United Nations Constitution. Alerted by VonKeviczky, the UN also set up two agencies to study and advise member nations on UFO activities. The first, known as the Outer Space Group, is headed by A.H. Abdel, Ambassador to the UN from Ghana. The second group is the Outer Space Affairs Committee, headed by Foreign Minister Kurt Waldheim of Austria. Still, Colman VonKeviczky has not been satisfied that the UN and world powers are taking the threat from outer space seriously enough. He steadfastly believes that the danger of a possible invasion of earth from outer space is great, and that some defense system should be organized to protect the earth's inhabitants. In another letter to Secretary-General U Thant, VonKeviczky had these comments: "At the birth of the space age, which was the beginning of the atomic age, there were increasing waves of UFO flights, especially in 1957 when a formal ,silent invasion' of our planet was observed and registered by authorities and semi-official investigators. Car engines stopped on the highways, as did official radio communication systems and compasses on aircraft in flight whenever and wherever mysterious luminescent objects appeared. You will recall that, at this time, the public was partly misdirected by whispering propaganda, that the flying saucers were American, or maybe Soviet, newly constructed, supersonic, interplanetary spacecraft testings. But the present evidence contradicts this 10-year-old bluffing statement because the United States and the Soviet Union would not find it necessary to invest millions of dollars for space exploration if they already had the power drive and space navigation system possessed by the UFOs. Consequently, the original claim did not change in twenty years until 1966. Science fiction stories about `little green men from Mars' could not cover up certain facts, such as a further increase in forced global UFO flights with test landings in low populated areas; traces left by UFO landing devices; burned out earth surface scars left after UFOs had taken off. "It is also a fact that we have thousands and thousands of registered official and unofficial sightings by observers including pilots, scientists, doctors, police, psychoanalysts and members of the F.B.I. The United Nations and the world have been warned. We are being visited by people from another highly intelligent civilization coming from outer space. Now is the time for the UN to take the lead and set up a system for the defense of Planet Earth as well as a method of contacting and welcoming the visitors if they are friendly. "Tomorrow . . I fear may be too late."
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Colman Stephen von Keviczky
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Bill Knell is a professional writer. Although semi-retired, he still accepts various writing assignments. Articles on most any topic are his specialty. Bill is also a talented ghost writer for people who have an idea or story to tell without the skills to create a submittable book manuscript. Sorry, Bill does not accept term paper or technical writing assignments. Bill can be contacted on
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