Everyone needs help once in a while and that means more than just prayer. Christians are called to action and that is why we offer these suggestions to you. Help is available with things like food, some bills, rent and other needs in most local areas. Begin by googling (lists of local) Food Pantries, Rent Assistance, Utilitiy Bills assistance (Community Action organizations exist nationwide in the USA and offer help with gas and electric bills and sometimes rent), Emergency Housing, free Child Care, free Clothing, free School Supplies, free Furniture, free Meals, free Christmas Gifts and free Transportation (many cities offer free bus passes to the disabled or those receiving any sort of government assistance). Your local Salvation Army offers a number of helpful resources including free gasoline cards when they are available (usually early in a month until they run out). The Volunteers Of America also offer helpful resources. Organizations like LOVE INC. (Love In The Name Of Christ) exist in many areas and offer free services and items through donations and volunteers. You can also call any number of local churches in your area. Most churches keep some sort of a list of helpful organizations in your area.
Links To Helpful Organizations: