Bill Knell on Coast To Coast AM with George Noory

Bill's appearance on Coast To Coast AM remains one of their highest rated shows. This is a summary which appears on the Coast To Coast AM website:

Expert in UFOs and the paranormal, Bill Knell shared details of UFO cases, and sightings by such people as Walter Cronkite, Jackie Gleason, and JFK. During a lunch he had with Cronkite, the veteran newsman told him he witnessed a UFO shoot a blue beam at a missile in the 1950's. The military claimed it was a test to see how the media would react to a UFO event, but Cronkite and other reporters there didn't buy this explanation, Knell recounted.

At the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port, MA, JFK and guests witnessed a disc-shaped craft around 60 ft.-in-diameter hovering several hundred feet from their boat, Knell reported. Howard Hughes was said to be taken to a military base in 1947 and shown crashed UFO materials. It was "damnedest stuff I've ever seen," he reportedly commented. The government wanted him to find out what it was made of, said Knell.

Knell met with Jackie Gleason in Fort Lauderdale in the mid-1980s to discuss UFOs, and Gleason shared details of his viewing of a "spacecraft" and alien bodies, arranged for him by his good friend, Pres. Richard Nixon. The viewing took place in a large hangar at MacDill AFB in Tampa, where he was shown a broken disc, parts of which were still hovering. Gleason also told Knell that he saw alien bodies, "in a good state of preservation," that resembled what we think of as greys.

Read more and listen to segments from the show here

Bill Knell is a professional writer. Although semi-retired, he still accepts various writing assignments. Articles on most any topic are his specialty. Bill is also a talented ghost writer for people who have an idea or story to tell without the skills to create a submittable book manuscript. Sorry, Bill does not accept term paper or technical writing assignments. Bill can be contacted on FACEBOOK. If you are interested in Christian resources, articles and topics, stop by Bill's Christian Resources website You Can Trust God. Read Bill's DIY, advice and other articles at Doctor Know.

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