![]() I first began investigating and researching UFOs in 1973 as a student at Boca Ciega High School in Gulfport, Florida. Thanks to Mrs. Wiesemann, my Mass Media teacher, who encouraged me to start a UFO Club at school and Mrs. Michael, the School Librarian, who told her husband about me, I began speaking about UFOs and doing guest spots on TV and radio shows. George Michael had a popular early morning TV show. After his wife told him how popular the UFO Club was he invited me for a guest spot. I was on several times which lead to guest spots on radio shows and other TV Shows. Ultimately, I was contacted by CBS in my native New York City. Walter Cronkite was hosting a new CBS News Special about UFOs. During a luncheon he told me that he was interested in my club and investigations because I was a high school student. He wanted to interview me for the TV Special. Needless to say, I was all in! Then, he told me about his UFO Encounter which made the entire trip to NYC well worth it. Thanks to that early media interest in me, I continued to be requested for guest spots or interviews on popular Radio and TV shows. That has lead to contact with various celebrities and their friends over the years. In the late 1970s I was living in New York City again. While taping a media segment I met psychic Uri Geller. We had a mutual friend named Ari, a former Israeli Defense Force officer who had an extraordinary UFO Encounter while on duty in the early 1970s. He told Uri about me. I knew that Uri was a close friend of John Lennon. I had tried to meet Lennon to ask him about his UFO Sighting. I hoped Geller could help me with that, but Lennon was very busy at that time. Sadly, he was murdered in 1980 so I never got a chance to meet him. I came close. I was a guest on a popular afternoon drive radio show at a NYC station with a Rock Music format. I spent two hours on the show. The Hosts and I chatted about UFOs between songs and lots of calls came in from people wanting to ask a question or share their own UFO story. After I left at 6pm the Hosts continued to take calls from people who had sighting. I continued to listen in the car during the drive home and was shocked when the Hosts said they had John Lennon on the phone. He had called into their show before, so they knew it was him. He proceeded to tell a story he had told before about his UFO Sighting. On August 24, 1974 Lennon was lying in bed naked in a NYC penthouse apartment on East 52nd Street. He was not with Yoko Ono at that time, he was with his girlfriend May Pang. He was looking over mock ups of his next album's cover and waiting to take a shower. At 9pm he said he "got an urge" to get up and go to the window. He walked out on to the large penthouse patio area and saw a saucer-shaped UFO. It had a rim with white lights. There was also a red light on top that blinked. In his own words, "I wasn’t surprised to see the UFO really, as it looked just like the spaceships we’ve all seen on the cinema growing up, but then I realised this thing was real and so close, that I could almost touch it!" May Pang also saw the object.
![]() ![]() ![]() May Pang just got out of the shower and was drying off when John called for her to come quickly. She went to see what was happening and was shocked to see John standing naked on the roof pointing wildly towards the southeast. She later described seeing "a brightly lit circular UFO, floating silently and less than 100 feet away." No sound came from the craft. The summer sun still provided more than enough light to get a good look at the object's saucer-shaped structure apart from the lights. As the object started to move quietly away, May said that John stood with his arms sretched out yelling for the thing to come back and take him away. That might seem strange, but there is a back story that explains his strange behavior. Forty some odd years after the sighting at the penthouse, Uri Geller spoke about a previous encounter that John Lennon had at the Dakota where he lived with Yoko Ono. He was lying awake in his bed late at night when a bright light appeared around the edges of his closed bedroom door. He got up quickly, went to the door and pushed it open. He was immediately confronted by four "thin creatures" that pushed him towards a "tunnel of light." Lennon did not remember much, but he did recall being given a small metal object shaped like an egg that fit in the palm of his hand. He later gave it to Uri when he to!d Geller the story. Uri still has it and treasures the gift. I guess that Lennon thought the incident at the penthouse was the creatures returning for him.
![]() ![]() ![]() May Pang and John Lennon tried to photograph the object. All of the photos were inexplicably over exposed. Lennon called the police a short while later. They told him that a number of calls came in about it, but they had no idea what the saucer shaped object might be. Uri Geller said that John was not particularly upset about the encounter because he had childhood dreams about seeing UFOs and even meeting Aliens. He made a drawing of what he saw and commemorated the event in the liner notes of his WALLS AND BRIDGES record album.
NOBODY TOLD ME BY JOHN LENNON... You don't have to see a UFO to be interested in them. I don't think any of The Ramones have seen a UFO. That didn't stop them from coming to a NYC Lecture I presented in the 1980s. I was up at the lectern getting ready to begin my program when I saw some oddly dressed guys walk in the door in the back of the room. They wore black leather jackets with white skulls protroding from various places on the jackets. I couldn't see their faces from that distance. My wife came up to the podium and told me The Ramones were there. They came to several more lectures I gave over the years. When some people think of UFOs and Aliens, David Bowie may come to mind. At 15 he was already a singer in a Rock band (1962). At 20 he released his first album (1967). At 22 David Bowie had his first big hit, titled SPACE ODDITY (1969). In 1972 he switched gears and became Ziggy Stardust. Off stage he was still David Bowie and retained that name professionally, but onstage it was ZIGGY STARDUST AND THE SPIDERS FROM MARS.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Bowie never hid his belief in Aliens or the fact that he regularly saw UFOs. As a kid he said he saw them so often that they became intergalactic friends of a sort. According to some of his earthly friends he went out UFO watching beginning in 1967 after seeing a large UFO over London. That continued throughout his life. As early as 1979 he told a radio interviewer that he believed there was life on Mars and that we would soon discover that the planet could support life. Bowie was also a big believer in the fact that the U.S. and U.K. Governments were covering up information about UFOs and Aliens. He later starred in the film THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH, which has become a cult classic.
BORN IN A UFO BY DAVID BOWIE... The relatives of ELVIS PRESLEY told a story about a possible UFO event and The King. This one maybe the most unusual ELVIS STORY of all. Family members present at his birth, and the doctor who delivered him, said that a bright light appeared over the house. The light had no discernable source and no one was ever able to explain it. Beginning at the age of eight, Elvis said that he believed he had been telepathically visited by Aliens. They gave him a vision of his future fame. He told some friends that the vision was of a man in a white suit singing in front of a huge crowd, but he did not understand the vision at the time he had it.
![]() ![]() Once he became famous and began traveling, Elvis said he often saw UFOs in the form of lights moving around the sky which he felt followed him. Elvis was interested in the unexplained and paranormal and read many books on the subject. Larry Geller was his hairstylist and often chimed in on UFOs and metaphysical topics for Elvis. Geller, who always traveled with him, says that on several occasions he was with The King when they both saw UFOs in the desert sky. They also saw a UFO over Graceland on at least one occasion. KIDS IN AMERICA was a big hit a while back for Kim Wilde. Her latest album is called HERE COME THE ALIENS. It was inspired by a personal experience. She told the BBC that she had a "mind blowing experience" in 2009. Kim Wilde, her husband and a friend were in her garden at night when their attention was drawn to the sky. A huge light appeared behind a cloud. At first they thought it was the moon, but it was too bright. “Then I looked up in the sky and saw this huge bright light behind a cloud. Brighter than the moon, but similar to the light from the moon,” she recalled. “I said to my husband and my friend, ‘that’s really odd,’ so we walked down the grass and looked to see if there was any source."
![]() As the three tried to get a better view of the light some helicopters appeared. Kim continued her story, "Then it just moved back and forth, for several minutes. Whenever it moved, something shifted in the air – but it was silent. Absolutely silent. My husband went running in to find something to film it, but I felt compelled to watch it. It inspired me. It was a UFO, I can't believe I saw it.” The object vanished and the helicopters flew away. The entire event obviously made a huge impression on Kim, as sightings like that do on most people. When it comes to celeb musicians interested in UFOs, no one tops Robbie Williams, former singer with Take That. After his album RUDEBOX under-performed in 2006, Robbie decided to take a break from music and spend his time chasing down UFOs. He spent three years attending UFO Conferences and researching the phenomenon. He ordered a bunch of my DVDs, then bought more to give to friends. What fueled this intense interest? During a 2008 radio interview Robbie said he had quite a few UFO sightings and even wrote a UFO inspired song called ARIZONA. The song, which is about Alien contact, has its own REAL connection to UFOs.
![]() Williams shared a true story about a UFO Sighting in Britain he called his "weirdest one yet." Robbie said, "I stood on the balcony and there was this big ball of gold light that turned up. We thought it was Venus or Mars or something. Then the song stops playing and it disappears. But then we put Arizona on again and the ball turned back up. It happened four times. After that a massive electrical storm started and these two big massive balls of light started dancing in the sky. It was like a whole light show for about an hour. Robbie also spoke about a spectacular UFO Sighting he had in America. He was not specific about the location, simply saying, "I was standing outside when this saucer this appeared about 150 feet above my head. Then, it came down closer. If I had a tennis ball and racket, I could have hit it with the ball. I was staring at it, then it was just gone." Williams said it happened in the Western USA and made it clear that he was completely sober at the time.
ARIZONA BY ROBBIE WILIAMS... Guitarist Tom DeLonge from the band BLINK-182 has been outspoken about his belief that Aliens are visiting our planet. ALIENS EXIST is a song on the band's third studio album which was released in1999. DeLonge left the band in 2015 to pursue "nonmusical endevours" (according to his manager). Tom is now the head of an organization called To The Stars Academy of the Arts and Sciences. It's described as an Aerospace Study Group. He recently held a press conference showing video that had already become popular among UFO researchers. It shows a 2004 Radar-Visual encounter of an unidentified flying object by US fighter pilots of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group. In December 2017, infrared footage of the encounter was released to the public. Tom believes this is solid proof of Alien visitations.
![]() Tom DeLonge has given hundreds of interviews over the years. Most contain some reference to his belief that Aliens exist and regularly visit the Earth. He has also talked about an unusual experience he had a few years ago while camping "at a secret base on the flight path to Area 51." He believed that by clearing his mind and projecting his thoughts he could make contact with Aliens. DeLonge woke up around 3 am feeling like "my whole body had static electricity…It sounded like there were about 20 people there, talking. And instantly my mind goes, OK, they’re at our campsite, they’re not here to hurt us, they’re talking about sh__, but I can’t make out what they’re saying. But they’re working on something.” He did not provide any additional details. Surprisingly or not surprising, Tom DeLonge was named in a 2016 Wikileaks data dump. Some documents indicated that he contacted John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, to request any information that was available about UFO sightings which occurred in the USA. Indications are that he may have contacted Hillary Clinton, and other government insiders, on prior occasions. DeLong confirmed this while being interviewed for a 2015 article in Paper Magazine. He told the interviewer, “You have to understand, I’ve been involved in this for a long time. I have sources from the government. I’ve had my phone tapped. I’ve done a lot of weird stuff in this industry – people would not believe me if I told them.”
ALIENS EXIST BY BLINK-182 Not all the music stars who believe in UFOs have seen one. Demi Lovato made this statement when asked if she believed that Aliens exist: “How self-centered would we be, as humans, to believe that we are the only living things in the universe?” Katy Perry answered the same question this way: “I look up into the stars and I imagine: how self-important are we to think that we are the only life-form.” Olivia Newton-John believes Aliens exist and falls into the category of music stars who have seen a UFO. She saw a strange object flying at “amazing speeds” when she was a teenager. Nick Jonas is another musical celeb who has seen a UFO. Actually, three! During a media interview he said he saw three UFOs over his house in Los Angeles: “I looked at my friend and said, ‘Are you seeing this or am I losing my mind?’”
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