Shortly after the UFO sightings in Erath CoTexas, made the national news in January 2008, I reported that a source that worked within the military aviation industry gave me explanation for the large number of military aircraft seen over that area. My source said that only a possible threat to the Bush Ranch in nearby Crawford would have been reason enough to have that many military jets in the air at one time chasing unknown objects. Now, Federal Aviation Administration radar confirms that theory.
The first major sighting in the Stephenville, Texas, area occurred on January 8, 2008. It was on that night that one large and several smaller objects were seen by residents on the ground and at least one private pilot flying through the area. The pilot contacted me and said that he saw an object that he believed might have been coming from the direction of Crawford. Many of the witnesses also said they saw military jets chasing one or more of the objects. Although they first denied it, the military ultimately claimed that they did have aircraft in the area. However, they said that the military jets were on scheduled training exercises in an area reserved for that purpose.
![]() A number of pilots and others pointed out that the airspace reserved for such training exercises was not the airspace being used on that night and that there were far too many military jets in the sky at one time for what was being witnessed to be any sort of a training event. Although the statement from the former military aviation contract worker and the private pilot have been ignored by the Mutual UFO Network investigators researching the January UFO sightings, it was gratifying to learn that the FAA radar has now confirmed their information. Despite the information provided by these credible sources and others including law enforcement officers that witnessed the events in question, a initial MUFON report claimed that things like stars, planets and a ‘military sleeve’ were responsible for the sightings. Among those disappointed in those conclusions was Angelia Joiner, the local journalist from Stephenville that first brought the sightings to the attention of her town and the world through a series of articles in the local paper. Joiner expressed her disappointment on StephevilleLights.com: “The report says that many of the sightings have been identified including one video presented by an unknown witness that resembled a black snake "being blown across the sky." MUFON identified this object as a "military sleeve." Where"s the data? …Cherry has been quoted as saying most of the people in Erath County saw planets, stars or clouds. Maybe that is true, but where"s the data? What planets and stars did they see?” Another person disappointed in the way that some UFO investigators and the media have portrayed the Texas UFO sightings is Erath County Constable Leroy Gaitan. A witness to the sighting himself, Leroy told a Texas Reporter, "You probably think we’re just a bunch of hillbillies out here. There were people who did doubt me, but I know I saw something." Gaitan said he saw two amber lights that eventually morphed into ten white lights and sped away at a tremendous speed. After so many of the witnesses had complaints about their previous report, the Mutual UFO Network released a new report last week which included the FAA information. That report did a better job of backing up the information provided by UFO witnesses and provided more information. In what was obviously an attempt to satisfy skeptics, the first report discounted and belittled the reports of credible and trained observers causing much consternation among UFO witnesses and in the UFO research community. As I have pointed out on many other occasions, there are many fine MUFON members and local chapters located throughout the world. You should not judge those good people by the actions of others in that organizaition.
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