Institutions of higher learning have spent the last several hundred years perpetuating what may be the greatest lie ever told. Believing that their methodology holds the key to understanding everything in the universe, Scientists have portrayed ancient cultures as brutish societies that lacked even a basic knowledge of their surroundings. It’s only been in the last hundred years that this time-honored fallacy has begun to fall apart.
Like most students who were fed a non-stop stream of theories that make up what universities like to believe are rock-solid scientific and historic principles, I was lead to think of most ancient societies as warring tribes barely able to create metal fighting tools that wouldn’t fall apart. While much time was spent on the orderly governments that came out of the empires created by Greece and Rome, little was said about their technology. The same may be said of ancient Egypt. Stories of long ocean voyages by the Phoenicians, Vikings and Chinese were either ignored or dismissed as myths created by over nationalistic braggarts.
Although I attended school during the 1960’s and 1970’s, I’m afraid that little has changed. Pet theories about ancients still rule the day and ignore some very starting facts which indicate that long-vanished societies may have been far more advanced in their capabilities that us. To understand all this, we must first adjust our thinking about what being ‘advanced’ or ‘modern’ means. Technology is a matter of discovery. It’s entirely possible that humans could be floating around today in anti-gravity cars while billions of barrels of oil languished unused in the ground if the study of magnetism had yielded a usable product before work ever began on engines that use fossil fuel.
If we say that archeology has provided us with no proof that ancients drove gasoline-powered vehicles, this doesn’t mean they weren’t more advanced then we are. Various discoveries have showed that the Romans concocted a number of devices that used weights and magnetism to create what some say were escalator-like devices and even automatic doors! These devices did not consume or require any fossil fuel power source like electricity, which makes them all the more astonishing and far superior to our power-gulping devices.
The Roman Coliseum is a good example of smart technology. It’s now an accepted fact that elevators and lifting areas were used to quickly move people, animals and scenery on and off the main floor where all the action took place. It could even be flooded to recreate naval battles. But we still do not know exactly how they did it?
With an abundance of beasts of burden and roads more friendly to chariots and rough carts then a Maserati, it might never have occurred to the Greeks, Romans or other ancient people to create a better form of transportation. Instead, they concentrated on creating other things like amazing irrigation and water delivery systems. Some of these are still used today!
The real disservice done to our society by the culture of higher education and all their pet theorems is that we are denied knowledge that might unlock the secrets of our existence and reproduce ancient technologies that could be used for our benefit. Even today, we ignore alternative methods of healing and treatment in favor of toxic and life-threatening procedures that make no promise of a cure. While lightly-clothed cultures living in the Amazon rain forests are portrayed as mindless children in need of our rescue, pharmaceutical corporations secretly spend millions on expeditions to that area in search of secrets that allow many of these seemingly primitive people to live virtually disease free lives!
While astronomers and scientists patted each other on their backs for the last several hundred years over the discovery of the nine known planets in our solar system, a 5000 year old Babylonian plaque was available to them that could have provided the same information. The plaque clearly shows our sun, surrounded by nine planets. All are correct in terms of size, shape and distance from the sun as compared to what we know today. How did these ancient people who lacked telescopes, computers and deep space probes obtain this knowledge?
![]() The very idea that some alien civilization might have provided this information and even had an impact on human development scares the wits out of modern scholars. Why? Because if they do not know everything or are scientifically unable to correctly interpret most of the world around them in a cohesive way, why do we need them? Scholars at a loss to explain them, ignore things like Egyptian wall carvings of modern jet planes, helicopters and what appear to be space ships in the Temple of Abydos. They fail to comment on an Egyptian drawing of two slaves holding funnel like devices, connected with very modern-looking heavy wires, that seem to have been used to levitate heavy objects. While it would be more then premature to state that what these objects appear to be or do is actually what they seem, it is foolish to merely try and explain them away because they don’t fit the norm.
![]() In 1973 a U.S. deep sea submersible craft photographed Roman Columns that seemed part of a temple structure at the bottom of one of the deepest parts of the Atlantic Ocean. Rather then ending up in some scientific journal or being debated on a university campus, the photo was published in an obscure book about the supposed lost continent of Atlantis. While the photo may have certainly served the purpose of the book’s author, would it not have served history and archeology even more if published and debated in those circles?
In the 1960s a German bookkeeper named Erich Von Daniken began to investigate a serious of worldwide archeological enigmas. This lead him to believe that Aliens visited our planet in ancient times and may have had a serious influence on humanity. His assumptions became a book entitled, Chariots Of The Gods. Despite criticism that his claims were based on incorrect interpretations and that he lacked the educational background to make any archeological assumptions at all, his book made people think. Around the same time, a language scholar named Zecharia Sitchin assembled an impressive volume of information to back his belief that Aliens had, indeed, visited the earth and genetically manipulated humans in ancient times. The 12th Planet was published during the 1970’s and became the first of many books in the Earth Chronicles series. Speaking with Sitchin is like receiving an instant education about the ancient middle eastern world. Having personally met him, attended his seminars and interviewed him on several occasions for cable TV, I was immediately impressed with his ability to answer questions, rebut criticisms and provide facts to back up his theories. This is not to say that I agree with all he says, but I am certain that Zecharia has made a lasting contribution to the study of ancient cultures from another perspective. Most of the archeological anomalies brought to public attention by people like Von Daniken and Sitchin were items built or manufactured by ancient people or special knowledge they seemed to possess. Examples are monolithic constructions found throughout the world with similar features and an uncanny understanding of the world and universe they lived in. Lacking the technology (as we understand it) to built these things or possess that knowledge, this evidence flew directly in the face of accepted theories about ancient peoples. Despite the obvious impact on almost everything we think or believe about our world or ourselves if people like Von Daniken and Sitchin are even near correct, the biggest affront to modern academia will not be the collapse of treasured theories, but the shocking revelation that humans are not alone in the universe. It’s almost a foregone conclusion among academics that little or no evidence supports the idea that life other then our own exists out there. If they are proved wrong, it’s more then just a loss of credibility. It’s a complete disruption of the revered status enjoyed by scientists who always seem able to explain (or explain away) everything in due time. I would ask young minds and older ones set in their ways to take one more look at the ancient world with an open mind. If they do, they might just discover their past and get a sneak preview of their future!
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